Document your everyday

I am certain that many people see this Blog and think how crazy it is for a grown woman to do scrapbook pages. I would hope that those people would look on these pages as a little piece of history. Family history and personal history. They mean the world to me; They are a part of my life that I am willing to share with you and someday, I hope, my grand children’s children will look at them and be thankful that I was willing to share.

So, one of the challenges that I had for this month was to create a layout of those everyday things that I keep in a specific place. This challenge can be found in the Gingerscraps Challenge forum under “Everyday Moments Challenge“.

Of course, the first thing I thought of was my purse. Over the years, I have carried a lot of weird items in my purse. Mothers know that when you take your children on a trip or in the car, there are a few must haves that are stuffed in the purse to keep them handy. Now that all of my children and grandchildren are grown, I don’t have that problem any longer. I do, however, have a few must haves that I just cannot do without.

Here is my take on the challenge. I used a great little page kit called “Necessities” by BuzzBee Scraps and the template is “Washed Journeys 3up” by Miss Fish Templates.